Groupthink and the Indoctrination of America
Imagine yourself in a staff meeting. You and your colleagues listen as your boss offers up an absurd suggestion about how to solve a problem. You know that this idea if implemented, will take forever and cause more problems than it solves. However, your boss is attached to the idea and you are not looking to make the boss angry. Just as you are about to say something, a well-respected colleague beats you to it. She enthusiastically says, “Oh yes, we could look into that.” As you look around the room, you see three coworkers shaking their heads up and down in endorsement of the new idea. Now with the idea validated, it becomes more difficult to speak up. “Forget it.” You think, “I am always the one who speaks up.” You close your mouth and go along with the crowd. By the end of the meeting the bad idea was solidified as the “new office guideline.”
This dynamic is known in Sociology as groupthink and it happens everywhere, from boardrooms across America to the highest offices in government. Sometimes decisions made under these conditions are harmless. Other times, they are not.
Groupthink is a well-accepted Psychological concept and was identified by the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2004 as a problematic factor contributing to the decision to embark upon the Gulf War:
“This bias that pervaded both the Intelligence Community’s (IC) analytic and collection communities represents ‘groupthink,’, a term coined by a psychologist Irving Janis in the 1970's to describe a process in which a group can make bad or irrational decisions as each member of the group attempts to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group. IC personnel involved in the Iraq WMD issue demonstrated several aspects of groupthink: examining few alternatives, selective gathering of information, pressure to conform within the group or withhold criticism, and collective rationalization.” (US Senate, 2004, P4)
Groupthink was also identified as a factor in the Abu Ghraib detention scandal where abuses committed by US soldiers against captured Iraqi detainees shocked the world. Dr. Philip Zimbardo, a leading Social Psychologist testified as an expert witness and explained how the images of torturous sexual, psychological and physical abuses were the result of situational factors, such as groupthink. Social Psychologists have identified groupthink as a factor in many historical events including the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the attack of Cuba’s Bay of Pigs.
Psychologist Irving Janis identified specific hallmarks that characterize groupthink. This psychological phenomenon involves the interplay of specific moving parts, that when combined create a highly dangerous energy that has the power to create movements with millions of followers. Donald Trump utilizes all the components of groupthink and thus has been able to manipulate reality and brainwash his followers.
I am a professor of Sociology and Psychology and I will walk you through the concept of groupthink. I will demonstrate exactly how Trump is using all of the elements specific to this brainwashing technique, just as the dictators before him, to create a compliant society that allows him to get away with illegal acts and shady dealings. Now you may wonder how can a guy who seriously suggests that we inject ourselves with disinfectant to treat Covid orchestrate such a detailed plan? Well, it turns out he was indeed born for the job of dictator!
Narcissistic Directive Leadership
Narcissists have natural inclinations towards manipulation and control. Many of the conditions necessary for groupthink to exist are also the conditions that the narcissist seeks to create naturally. No prior education required! A Narcissist creates these conditions to inflate their ego and generate a following.
Groupthink becomes a dangerous weapon in the hands of the narcissistic leader, who uses the elements of this mind-controlling technique to generate a following. These leaders have a natural uncanny ability to use the psychological factors of this brainwashing technique for their benefit. Some of the best examples include Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussalini, Mao Zedong, and Osama Bin Ladin. Though varying in their forms of charisma, these leaders navigated the art of reality manipulation; and in so doing they had the power to control groups of people and lead dangerous social movements. This is exactly what Donald Trump is doing today. These highly magnetic leaders were able to encourage others to commit bad acts and adopt contradictory beliefs on their behalf by shifting their follower’s attention towards ideology and away from reason or logic.
There are specific groupthink conditions that the narcissist leader creates to control public opinion and generate a following. Once these conditions are set, they are so reinforcing of one another, that it becomes very easy for the dictator to control millions of people. The success of this operation depends upon the ability to keep these conditions in check. Once the conditions are set the narcissist need only keep these parts in motion to achieve the domination of millions of followers.
Isolate the masses by identifying an “in group”
Unlike other political groups, Trump supporters often feel aligned with other Trump supporters on a deep level, even if they have never met one another before. There is a shared sense of communal understanding. Though Democrats may feel that they too have cohesion with their Democrat leaders, I assure you it is nothing compared to the feelings of admiration, respect and protectiveness that a Trumper feels towards Trump. Notice, I do not say Republican. Herein lies the difference, the Trumper idolizes Trump. They may call themselves Republicans, but most Republicans do not align with Trump philosophically the way the Trumper does. Rather, the Trumper represents a kind of Third Party- a Nationalist Party.
When a Trump supporter is asked what their favorite news station is, they answer, “Fox News”. Many will not listen to any other news source, often citing newspapers, they have not read or television stations, they have not viewed in years as “non-credible, leftist garbage that does not report the news.” It does not occur to the Trumper that in not listening to other news sources, they are inviting indoctrination. Rather, the reinforcing idea among Trump supporters is that only news sanctioned by Trump should be trusted and everything else is “fake news”.
It may seem odd that an intelligent group of people would only listen to one news source and think themselves diversified. In truth, part of the magic is in how Fox News executes the news to look like it is diverse, while actually being highly limited. On the most basic level, news that is disparaging to the president is avoided and the viewers’ attention is guided in a different direction.
For example, Fox aired very little footage of Donald Trump’s photo op in front on St. Johns Church on June 1, 2020. You will recall that this was the day peaceful protesters and reporters were tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets in front of the White House by unidentified militant forces to clear a path for the president, who wanted to pose in front of St. John’s church holding a bible. Rather than report upon the violent scene, Fox news briefly reported the events as “some kind of disturbance” and quickly moved on to discuss the president’s speech. Later, as other news stations were showing images of innocent protesters and reporters being attacked by unidentified government personnel without provocation, Fox news began to report on the bad acts of “BLM and Antifa” protesters around the country. In this way, the mind of the Trumper is controlled. The images of angry protesters dominate the television screen of the Trumper. Hence, when someone says, “I am scared about the unidentified officers who attacked people for that photo op.” The Trumper responds, “Well, with angry, violent, mobs in the streets what do you expect?”
In instances when an action committed by the president or his associates is so egregious that there is an unavoidable spotlight on the negative events, right-wing media will take up the president’s cause and further confuse their viewership. For example, if there is a question about the legality of the president’s actions, right-wing media will find experts who will explain that the actions of Trump or his associates, “though murky, are ‘technically’ constitutional.” These false justifications erode our norms and endanger our democracy, but to the Trump supporter, these actions serve as evidence that Trump is circumventing the system and “Draining the Swamp!”
Create a Legitimate False Rationalization
The concept of “Fake News”, together with the belief Trump frequently proclaims that, “everyone is after him” has energized his base around rationalizing anything disparaging about him without the use of critical thinking.
Traditionally, if one hears something worrisome about an issue, they will at minimum listen to the news source and see if there are any points of identification with the news. This is certainly the case with most of us. We would critically analyze the information and decide what we believe.
Trumpers are not like this, they rely upon what Irving Janis calls the “collective construction of rationalization”. This allows Trumpers to circumvent critical analysis of facts in favor of the easier explanation that “everyone is after Trump” or “It’s just fake news”. These rationalizations allow the Trumper to avoid considering information that conflicts with his or her current belief system. Trump has provided a “built-in answer” for his supporter that allows the Trumper to circumvent thought and research. Instead the Trumper can offer these non-explanations. After all, if the news is “fake”, then the information is not valid and therefore unworthy of investigation.
People under this spell will not consider any alternative explanations. They will not consider that they are wrong, or that they have been duped by a manipulator. Much like a cult leader provides rationalizations and dogma to the group they lead; Trump provides dogma to his followers and clear answers for how to respond when challenged.
Appeal to People who share a Homogeneous Background
Trump appeals to whites. One need only look out at the sea of white faces during one of his famous rallies or hear the endorsements by the KKK to be sure. Right? Do not be fooled. On a deeper level, beyond color- Trump appeals to Americans who have this grand idea that we will all return to the “good old days” and make America Great Again! This ideal is not restricted to whites. It also includes those who believe they can aspire towards accomplishing the “ideal white objective” commonly referred to as the “American Dream”. This includes white Hispanics and other minority groups that have the capacity to “pass for white”. It is not just the “in group” of white supporters that Trump attracts but also white minority groups that have internalized the concept of the “Traditional American Dream”. For the Trump supporter the “good old days” are interpreted as a time when kids played outside, men were valued for their family contribution, and children spent time baking cookies with their mothers after school. In this imaginary land there is insulation from everything “unpleasant”, such as hunger, abuse, homelessness, lack of medical care, joblessness, and there is certainly no Coronavirus! Rather with this dream of a “better American life” there is only joy. This narrative serves the members of Trump’s base and exists to exclude everyone else who does not see themselves in the “white-imagined ‘American Dream.”
This homogeneous group of predominately white Americans is well supported by social infrastructure. White people go to white stores, they interact with white cashiers, they see whites in their communities, and they identify with a white social circle. This group is easy to target, typically financially comfortable and isolated enough as a group to not see or understand their fellow citizens struggle across town. They live in a world where opportunities abound and because they do experience occasional hardships, they assume this is true for everyone. The white minority who supports Trump has also found pockets of opportunities and falsely assumes that those pockets are available to their black and brown counterparts. In this “white- idealized” environment the Trumper finds other Trumpers and they reinforce each other’s narrative.
Anyone who holds a different “American Dream” in high esteem, perhaps one where abortion is legal, immigration is supported and medical care is available to all Americans, is a threat to the “white idealized” narrative Trump is selling and is viewed as a threat. This becomes most pronounced when a previous Trump supporter breaks ranks. It is not uncommon for Trump supporters feel resentment anger, and annoyance toward the member who has chosen to no longer support Trump. Many family members and friends lie about their political affiliation to preserve familial relationships with Trump supporting family members. Those who voted for Trump in 2016 and do not approve today, may wish to remain silent and may even feel guilty for breaking ranks with this highly cohesive group of Trump supporters.
Create and Maintain a High Stress Situation that Only the Leader can Remedy
The Right-wing media paints a picture of protesters angrily burning things down. Yelling and spraying graphite in the streets. The images say “BLM” and “Defund the police”. On June 15, 2020 Tucker Carlson aired his show with a banner across the bottom that says, “Black Lives Matter Means Defund The Police”. Of course, this is not accurate. Black Lives Matter is a social justice organization that advocates for all people. I encourage anyone with concerns to visit the BLM website and choose the “What we Believe” tab. I recently suggested this to a Trumper who was in a rage about how “Black Lives Matter was a racist communism seeking organization that if allowed to go mainstream, would destroy our democracy.” These claims are ridiculous, but to the Trumper who watches Fox News and has a white world view, these claims seem logical. I said, “Wow! Heavy. Have you been to their website to see what they believe?” Of course, they had not, and they indicated that they will not be visiting the website. They also won’t read the Ukraine transcript or review the Mueller report.
Anyone who has ever argued with a Trump supporter has felt the frustration of talking to someone who will not look at transcripts and reports being widely discussed in media. If I could have a dollar for every time a Trump supporter said, “I don’t need to look at it, I know what it says!” I would be a billionaire! So what is going on here? Why do Trumpers resist primary sources more than any other group?
This group is afraid- but not of the things you might expect. They do not want to hear information that is contradictory to Trump because they do not want to abandon their values. That is right. Trump and the Right-wing media have sold an idea to these followers that the only way they can live their values is with Trump in office. Trump has used politics, media and the concept of “culture wars” to paint a picture of democrats as unpatriotic, anti-family, anti-economy, anti-American made, Anti-law and order, lacking in reason and angry. He has sold this image to his base and they believe it completely. They do not want to give up on their vision of a patriotic, family oriented, economically solvent, American- made, Law abiding, happy nation. After all, would you?
Trump is the sole hope towards a solution of unity in the mind of the Trump supporter. Surprising right? These are not terrible people. These are scared people- just like all of us, living in deeply uncertain times and desiring something that feels like certainty. Trump says he wants things like they were. To the Trump supporter, that sounds good; that sounds familiar.
This is how Trump becomes the savior. We have all heard a Trumper say, “But if Biden becomes president it will be a disaster!” Trump and Right-wing media falsely imply that Biden is going to “defund the police” and even though Biden has repeatedly stated that he is not for “defunding the police”, this false narrative continues. The overarching idea sold to the Trumper is that the threat from extreme liberal groups will infiltrate and take over, all rights will be lost, and communism will reign. It is a pervasive concept that is validated repeatedly to this base. They are told, if Biden becomes president these “riots” will come to your city. They are told that Biden is a puppet for the “left wing crazies”- never mind his decades of service in various capacities in government. They are told by Trump himself in his cocky charismatic way that they can’t have a safe society without him. Fox news repeats the narrative, and every other Trump supporter who exposes themselves to the same limited media confirms these assertions and thus an entire segment of our population remains indoctrinated.